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Perth is OK gives Perth property listings a massive edge...

Crib Creative

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

When Perth’s coolest publication and best property marketing agency get together, you just know it is going to be a good time, right? Toot toot.

Ok, back to serious business - if you’ve been following our journey, you may know that last year, we partnered with the legends at Perth is OK - it was a match made in heaven really... their talented writers wanted to create a feature showcasing Perth's best homes, and it just so happens that we take some pretty cool snaps of said homes...

From stunning coastal masterpieces to the weird and whacky inner city gems, the series of articles showcases Perth’s unique property landscape and features our stunning photographs.

Le Fanu - Cottesloe

Le Fanu - Cottesloe

For our clients whose listings have been featured to date, the reach has been pretty epic, only further cementing what we’ve been saying for years- social reach is unbeatable and when your residence can be supported by such a well known and trusted publication like Perth is OK, it's only going to add to your property campaign - making your listing stand out and your clients very happy indeed.

Just take a look at the results of a recent feature on the iconic Le Fanu residence and tell us what other medium can do that without seriously big $$ spent... Ok, granted this grand-scale, yesteryear masterpiece was worth talking about, but certainly the reach is worth discussing and the results below are pretty standard across all of their property features - we're yet to see a property record less than a 250,000 audience strong reach on Facebook alone!

As we have an exclusive partnership with Perth is Ok, you must shoot with us for your property to be in the running to feature. They love featuring anything grand, wacky or quirky, different or quintessentially WA.

Boil the kettle and read the full article below along with all their property features from around WA! i

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