Areas: North, Central CBD, East & Hills
Services: Photography
What do you love taking photos of apart from Real Estate?
I started out taking photographs of landscapes back in the north of England. A very rich environment for it! I love to take pictures at live gigs and also the odd portrait here and there.
What is your favorite Perth suburb and why?
I'm probably biased because it's the first place I moved to when I arrived in Perth, but I love the mixture of styles in Mt Lawley. A lot of older houses but some very nice renovations and new builds throughout.
What is your favorite type of property to shoot?
I love a renovated character property, since it combines my two favourite things. Combining a modern minimalist aesthetic with the warmth and charm of a character home is the best of both worlds as far as I’m concerned!
What is the weirdest thing you have encountered onsite?
Definitely the room full of Victorian style, life size dolls. Still haunts me!